Limited Time Only! Sign up for the Inspired Writer Community now and receive an EXCLUSIVE 1:1 with me!



Let’s make 2024 the year that you unlock your full writing potential! There's no better time to embark on your writing adventure than now. Join our Inspired Writer Community today and as a special gift, I'm offering a complimentary 1:1 session with me to kickstart your path to success. This exclusive opportunity is designed to guide you through the first steps in achieving your unique writing goals. Don't let it slip away; join us now and let's make this the year that you transform your writing dreams into reality!

Join The Community



You can't get where you're going if you don't have a destination. In The Inspired Writer Community, we work with you to tailor a plan with clear goals and a path to get there. Then you use the other resources to get it done.




Accountability is a proven method of boosting your chances of reaching your goals by as much as 95%. Each week, we check in with the women writers network to hear your goals as well as your accomplishments and wins. It’s a research-based method to keep you on track.



We know you have other responsibilities, so the community and resources are open 24 hours a day seven days a week, so you can fit The Inspired Writer Community into your time and schedule.



Get access to our member’s only online community so you always have a place to turn for answers, inspiration and feedback so you can keep moving forward. You won’t waste any time because you’re stuck on some little question or because you’re having an off day.



Each month we host a live coaching call during which you can bring all your writing questions. Whether you’re stuck on a pitch or wondering what to write next or feeling discouraged and need help taking your next step. These calls will help you stay on track.




One of the best ways to learn is from experts. So we bring experts into our group every month to focus on a specific aspect of building a writing business. From adding SEO to your website to building your social media and writing platform. Plus we’ll bring in working authors and agents so you can see all the different ways people build their writing lives.



Each week we host a live co-working session during which you can bring all your writing questions or work alongside other writers. Whether you’re stuck on a pitch or wondering what to write next or feeling discouraged and need help taking your next step. These calls will provide accountability and help you stay on track.

Sign up now for a limited time only and receive an EXCLUSIVE 1:1 with me!


Lola Akinmade Åkerström

Nigerian Photographer, Speaker, Travel Storyteller and International Author

Amanda Castleman

Writer, Photographer, and founder of Write Like A Honey Badger

Deesha Philyaw

American Author and Columnist

Madhushree Ghosh

Author, Social Justice Activist, Scientist

Anjali Enjete

Award-winning essayist

Ingrid Clayton

Psychologist and Author

Tara Ison

American Novelist

Jody Gerbig

Fiction and Non-Fiction Author

Rachel Thompson

Writing and Marketing Expert

Dawn M Ius

Thriller writer

Jessica Killingsley

Publishing professional

Rachel Thompson

Literary Magazine Editor

Juli Anne Patty

Copywriting Expert

Vanessa McGrady


Jennifer Pozner

Media Expert and Author

Steph Dyson

SEO Expert and Travel Writer


Sign up now and receive an EXCLUSIVE 1:1 with me
Limited Time Only!

Join the Community

The Inspired Writer Community begins by helping you define your ideal writing life, then map out a plan to make it happen. This method is unique because it treats writing as a business and incorporates scientifically proven methods of developing better habits to keep you focused and on track.

I couldn’t believe how well it worked for me. Within a month of creating my first plan, I began taking one-on-one clients and published five new articles. Now, I write books, travel, and spend my time mentoring writers as they feel more confident, finish their masterpieces, and become the writers they’ve always dreamed of being.

Join The Inspired Writer Community Today!

Start living your ideal writing life based on your core values

Choose From Three Membership Tiers, Designed for Writers at Every Level


$49.00 USD

Every month

Designed to guide beginners in establishing a consistent writing practice within a supportive community.

  • A personalized writing plan
  • Powerful weekly accountability
  • 24-hour access
  • Exclusive online community
  • Monthly coaching call
  • Weekly co-working sessions


  • Access to beginner friendly resource library
  • Invitations and discounts to exclusive events and content




$99.00 USD

Every month

For writers seeking to refine their storytelling skills and learn to captivate their audience.  

  • A personalized writing plan
  • Powerful weekly accountability
  • 24-hour access
  • Exclusive online community
  • Monthly coaching call
  • Weekly co-working sessions


  • Complete access to our resource library of live events
  • Monthly seminars with top experts
  • Additional editing resources
  • Access to distinguished guest mentors teaching special sessions
  • An extended library of recordings of past workshops on topics that create expertise and deepen your writing practice
  • A free copy of leigh’s book, the writers roadmap
  • Discounts on retreats and 1:1 sessions with leigh
  • Invitations and discounts to exclusive events and content




$149.00 USD

Every month

For seasoned writers aspiring to get their work published.

  • A personalized writing plan
  • Powerful weekly accountability
  • 24-hour access
  • Exclusive online community
  • Monthly coaching call
  • Weekly co-working sessions



  • Complete access to our resource library of live events
  • Monthly seminars with top experts
  • Additional editing and publishing resources
  • Access to distinguished guest mentors teaching special sessions
  • Recordings of past live workshops
  • A free copy of leigh’s book, the writers roadmap
  • Retreat discounts
  • Access to premium content
  • Exclusive after event 1:1/q&a’s with monthly bookshelf event authors
  • Exclusive invite to in-person events in new york and Atlanta
  • Tailored feedback on your writing roadmap
  • Discounts on retreats and 1:1 sessions with leigh
  • Additional invitations and discounts to exclusive events



All prices are in US dollars. Secure Checkout. Your privacy protected.

Here are just a few of our clients’ transformations


Carol King

Carol is a retired university teacher with a passion for storytelling. She successfully overcame accountability issues and completed her book with the guidance and support of the Inspired Writing Community, transitioning from uncertainty to confidence in her writing journey.



Kathleen Evans

Kathleen is a former media sales professional who was new to writing. With guidance and support, she transformed into a confident and published author who, successfully transitioned her career and overcame self-doubt to embrace her identity as a writer.


Dorothy De Souza Guedes

Dorothy is a freelance writer who successfully transformed her scattered writing approach into a focused and purposeful journey. After joining the community, she was able to prioritize projects, find accountability, and celebrate milestones in a supportive network of other writers.


What sets this community apart from other online writing groups?
The Inspired Writer Community supports you as you make decisions for yourself. Instead of a one size fits all program, you’ll find a toolbox of tools that you can use to design and create the writing life you want.
What level of writing experience is required to benefit from The Inspired Writer Community?
Writers of all levels and experience are welcome in The Inspired Writer Community. Whether you’re putting the first sentences of your first story on the page or if you’ve already published books, you’ll find tools, mentorship, and support to help you grow and reach the next level of your writing dreams.
Do I need to have a specific genre interest or writing style to join?
We have writers of all different genres and styles in our community, from a stay-at-home mom who writes science fiction books to a university professor who specializes in nuclear disarmament to a yoga teacher who champions mental health non-fiction. Whatever you write, you have a place here.
How can I interact with other members?
There are a few different ways to connect with other members of the community. We have live Zoom events to chat, ask questions, and get to know each other. The exclusive community forum gives you the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers when it’s convenient for your schedule. You can also message people for private conversations. You choose how you want to interact.
Are there opportunities for one-on-one feedback on my writing?
There is a space in the community forum to request feedback from others in the group, including myself and the other mentors. If you’re looking for a deeper level of feedback, I also work with members of the community on their writing and other projects. This one-on-one opportunity is only available to The Inspired Writer Community members.
Are there any writing contests or publishing opportunities through The Inspired Writer Community?
We regularly share publishing opportunities in our members-only forum. This includes places to submit fiction, calls for articles from magazine editors, and also agents and publishing houses looking to publish your books.
How much time will I need to dedicate to the community for it to be beneficial?
You dedicate as much time as you wish. Every week, we have regular check-ins to hold you accountable for your writing. You can do this in as little as ten minutes. This exercise helps you create habits around your writing so you write more and find ways to comfortably work writing into your schedule.